I was studying few stuffs about imposter syndrome, and this got me into thinking about the word "deserve". So here I'm just sharing my thoughts and my way of processing things.
So, first of all, putting it simply, imposter syndrome is a feeling that makes you think that you don't deserve whatever you've achieved and you live in a constant fear of being proved right. Here the word 'deserve' got my attention. When people hit big, they think they don't deserve so much of success. Which means they think that they deserve less. But how much less?
What do human beings deserve after all?
If you think deeply about this question, you'll eventually reach a conclusion - life isn't fair.
Life doesn't treat everyone equally. Some are privileged and some aren't. So does this means that the unprivileged ones don't "deserve" a better life? Or the privileged ones "deserve" it?
According to me, nobody "deserves" anything. Nothing.
Yes, they may have rights over the things they possess, but this won't make them "deserving" of it.
Life has handed every one of us a unique situation and place. We've been handed over things; and from those same things, tools, ideas or knowledge we create/earn more for ourselves. Some have been handed over more and some less; and here's no question of who "deserves" what.
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